Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GS:NYC Organizers/Jurors

Professor Fred Goodman is a University of Michigan Professor of Education Emeritus now living in Westlake Village, CA. He has specialized in the design of information systems, simulations and academic games for five decades. He was, for example in the 1960's, the chief consultant to the then U.S. Office of Education with responsibility for the design of the decentralized Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Starting in 1984, he led a program at the University of Michigan’s School of Education called the Interactive Communications & Simulations (ICS) program. For 25 years ICS has been connecting thousands of secondary students in schools throughout the world via computer-aided-communications to participate in term-long exercises like the Arab-Israeli Conflict simulation, the International Poetry Guild, a variety of Earth Odysseys (in which students interact with one another in response to actual trips to various parts of the world that have been taken by ICS-affiliated travelers) and a “character-playing forum” called Place Out Of Time (POOT) wherein students become characters from the past discussing current dilemmas. ICS was honored in 2000 as a Computerworld Smithsonian project. He also has had major responsibility at the University of Michigan for the Master of Arts in Education with Teacher Certification Program (known as the "MAC Program") designed to attract people into teaching from other careers and is the designer of a wide variety of academic games, some computerized, some not, on many subjects. He is the author of several entries in American Educational Research Association (AERA) sponsored Handbooks and Encyclopedias on "Instructional Gaming" as well as numerous articles on the subject.

New York City based writer, artist, educator Nick Sousanis is a doctoral candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies at Teachers College, Columbia University, and is in the midst of developing his dissertation in comic book form. Prior to his arrival in New York, he was heavily involved in Detroit’s arts community where among other things he co-founded, an arts and cultural web-magazine. From 2005 to 2007, he chaired the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit (CAID) and served as the founding director of the University of Michigan’s Work : Detroit Gallery. During his time in Detroit, he came to be the biographer of legendary Detroit artist Charles McGee, which is forthcoming from Wayne State University Press. He also taught public speaking and writing at Wayne State University. His educational comics can be seen at

Andy Malone holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Detroit Mercy, and has worked in the exhibit and custom furniture industry for over twelve years. From 2002 to 2007 he served as the Vice President of the Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit (CAID) Board of Trustees. Andy's whimsical machines, board games and drawings have been shown in over forty exhibitions since 1995, most notably in the 2002 Selecti show at Detroit Artist Market (chosen by Whitney curator Lawrence Rinder). He was a juror for the DEMF Public Art Exhibition (2003), Animate Object (2005) and Game Show Detroit (2006). Andy also curated the Bravo! Bravo! Exhibition at the Detroit Opera House in 2004 and 2005. Two of Andy's mini golf holes were displayed on the grounds of the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) for summer and fall of 2007. Andy also had solo exhibitions of his work at the DIA in 2007 and 2010. In 2008, Andy won best in show at Re:Action, a kinetic sculpture exhibition at Ann Marie Gardens in Solomons, Maryland. In 2010, Andy was featured in Make Magazine (#23) and interviewed on American Black Journal. He won an Editor's Choice award at Maker Faire Detroit in 2010, and curated the Detroit Board Game Collective exhibition which also won an Editor's Choice award at the Faire. More information can be found at

Suzanne Choo is a PhD candidate in English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. She taught English Literature in a Singapore high school for eight years and lectured in the teaching of English Literature at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. Her interests are in multimodality, literature education, global and cosmopolitan citizenship and she has worked as a consultant to various schools and organizations in New York City. In 2008, she was awarded she was the Overseas Graduate Scholarship from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and was a recipient of the Education Pioneers Fellowship in 2009. Her research has been published in various international journals such as English Journal, the International Journal of the Humanities, and the Journal of Curriculum Studies. She co-wrote the book “Reel World Learning: Integrating Media in the English Classroom” which was published by McGraw-Hill in 2007. Her website is

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